Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Horse preachers

i wrote this in response to my frustrations with the trainers who seem to have mislead and taken advantage of many folks who wanted to learn about horses-

Horse Preachers

You bought an incorrigible horse?
She rears when you bridle her,
He won’t stand when you mount,
She turns and runs to the gate when you ride,
And he kicks out when you tell him to go?

Well, buy my halter, pay double for my rope,
I have a new CD set that will cover any problem you have,
The cost is almost that of your saddle,
But, hey, it will fix all your problems!

And, I do clinics and symposiums,
You can use them as vacations,
After you see my magical techniques,
You can even train a wild mustang!

But don’t call me if you get hurt,
Or if you just can’t make it all work,
Just buy another book, or schedule to be at a clinic,
If you pay double, you can even bring your own horse.

I’ll spend a little time, make it all look quite simple,
Your steed and I will be loping around in no time.
You will be convinced of the magic I possess,
You will feel the thrill as you ride him when I’m done.

Once home, however, the magic soon comes undone.
In frustration you keep at it just a little longer,
Then your horse is listed in the classified ads,
And the halter, rope and CD collection,
Go to the highest bidder on E-bay.

I am combining todays and yesterdays work-All the horses are coming along-I am very pleased with Victory who is cantering quite well under saddle after a history of ducking his head and unseating his young riders! I am using a very soft feel on the reins and just a bit of a quick lift to remind him to keep his head up and keeping my leg urging him forward. I also don't canter him long at a time and am more concerned with him cantering nicely than with his leads.

Angel does not want to relax softly at the halt-she is wanting to move, back, sideways etc. if i drop the reins she will just stand but if asked to soften she gets very antsy-lots of patient work will be needed here-no long collected stands and very little backing, lateral etc.

Spirit is doing great-better, softer every day.

Silver is coming along-relaxing and needing less hold on the draw reins, and hermes is awesome!

Monday, August 3, 2009

a show a lesson and ...

I got a bit of an education today at a little schooling show-the 'hunter perch' is expected in an equitaion class--anyway, it was fun to watch and see some of my students do well and learn and have fun.

my student was terrific in her lesson except that she needs to put into words what she is doing-she is such a nice little rider but when i ask her questions she shrugs and says, "I don't know". such a typical tween response!

Hermes was great but rather full of himself on the lunge line-he does love his treats!

Victory was far more settled today and i was able to release the contact and get a much better response at the canter. We are both learning!

Spirit was rather lazy but progressing along really well-nothing too exciting

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Inside rein, inside leg!

Angel was lovely and a bit more energetic today. her downward transitions were much better as I had more leg on.

This morning i went to teach several students who have a schooling show locally. Progress seems to be slow for one gal but some real ah ha moments happened for a coupl of others, the lessons were good and productive especially as my daughter got on one of the horses and demostrated how to get him to soften to the bridle and step up with his hindquarters. She did a good job and the student was able to recreate and get the feel of having the horses soft in her hands.

Silver was again, worried about the canter so i let go of the outside aides and just used the inside-it didn't take long for him to settle down even though the reins were not holding him together. His energy is a lot of fun. I enjoy him.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

busy, busy!

I will first back up to yesterday as I didn't get time -Angel showed what a truly amiable horse she is! She went through her paces with me then My granddaughter rode by herself even trotting-she was soft and gentle and LAZY!!! Elyssa was very excited!
Silver had a tough time at the canter but i think i have come to the realization that the dressage barn where he had been about a year or so ago was working to make him a bigger money horse and worked on pushing him to do flying lead changes-he is ver stressed about the canter, and stressed about contact in general-i feel bad for him and have my work cut out getting him to settle down and relax.
Today, Elyssa had fun working with Hermes-he lunged the walked with her-she practiced posting motions at the walk to get him used to it! :)
Victory was awesome-cantered quietlt both directions-pretty darn good since he couldn't even canter one full circle when he came here!
Sirit was a bit frisky but very good-even beginning to soften to the bridle at the canter.